Engine of Creation

Title excerpt from Joe Satriani album. I don't simply add this just because he mention in his album. Its may be the one reason but not all. OK, here is a simple question .. what will first tick your head when i say 'Engine of Creation'? Will it some big machines of Caterpillar or some sort of machine in production or is it your computer or is it your laptop or is it your PDA or is it YOU!!?
So what makes you the engine of creation? by the way who is you? is it your body, nose, heart, or your BRAIN!. Now, lets talk about me, when i first heard these words, i definitely knew it is our brain and why not. It is the source and gist of creativity and as it continually do it, we can call it an never stopping engine. I think this phrase is more meaningful if you are some kind of association with art. I mean every kind of art like music, painting, drawing, acting, writing blah blah yadda yadda and so on.

And if your are musician then you will definitely agree with me and can obviously give some elaborations, won't you?


Engine of creation refers to the inner force, the X factor ... the creative energy that flows through Satriani's veins that inspire him to create his masterpieces.

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