Linux command II

netstat -tnlp
Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address Foreign Address State PID/Program name
tcp 0 0* LISTEN 8692/ssh
tcp 0 0* LISTEN -

-t for tcp
-n numeric (no name resolving)
-l listening
-p display PID and program name

netstat -tane
(also shows other connection besides listening like ESTABLISHED)

netstat -tape

List process
ps auxwwf

(put double w for wide output)
f - for creating ascii process tree.

grep $username /etc/passwd | cut -d: -f3

cat /etc/passwd | cut -d: -f3

cut will take field using delimiter (here ':'). -f switch will take third field.

first command will display UID of the $username.
find /dir -type f \! -user alex

'\!' is for 'NOT' or we can use -not instead.

Great Encyption tool
* to encrypt string 'akhadka' using digest md5 with encoding base64.. (notice binary switch)
echo -n "akhadka" | openssl dgst -md5 -binary | openssl enc -base64
(This encyption is used by WebGUI CMS).

echo -n "akhadka" | openssl dgst -sha1
(This is used by Galaxy with sqlite database)
(Note: similar could be achieve by primitive function found in mysql .. or any other databases.)

enable vino server and enable autologin for remote desktop management.
enable vino server by following
gconftool-2 -s -t bool /desktop/gnome/remote_access/enabled true
(switch -s for set; -g for get)

For default login
Edit the /etc/gdm/gdm.conf-custom file and add the following lines


Futung said…
good afternon!
i have much a nd much intrest with your publication.i am a khadka people too of nepal.
so please tell me something about yourself to me to



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